Monday, October 22, 2007

We have finally decided to update the blog. We also changed the name etc so update your link, if you have a bookmark or favorite.

Right now we are just waiting for the baby to be born. We have decided to go with a midwife and do it the old fashioned way this time. It comes with rave reviews from trusted friends who have tried it. The due date in Nov. 1 for anyone who forgot so soon and very soon our new little son will be here.

Noah is great and excited about having a little brother. Matt of course is equally excited (he may be the most excited, he is very good with babies and just loves them, well his anyway). I am a bit apprehensive because I will be doing the whole thing, but ready for this child to be out here in the world so I can have my belly back.

Well we just wanted everyone to know things were back up and running, (blog wise)and we will be posting any news etc here now.

More to come soon.