Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not much going on here, but thought I would post a few pics for fun.

Noah really loves helping with Reilly especially at bathtime. He really enjoys having a brother.

Mr. Reilly is picking his head up quite a bit now. He is very good and just a great baby who so far pretty much lets his parents get sleep. He is scooting around a little on the blanket. We have a feeling he is going to do things pretty quick to try to keep up with big brother. He is smiling quite a bit although I have not gotten a great pic of that yet. He smiles alot at Noah and at Matt when he gets home from work.

Noah's I just woke up look.

Maybe some of ya'll kids do this too. Noah will just say words that we don't know he knows totaly in context. Over the holiday we drove to the Metroplex and close to Ranger HIll area where it gets hilly he looks out and says "Mommy look at the mountain." Since there is nothing close to a mountain in our region and we have not taken him to see any we wonder how he learned what a mountain was. He also was talking about his throat the other day. And again it was totally in context. When we ask him about it he just says yeah a mountain, or yeah, my throat and looks at duh of course I know these things.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy Holidays

Well alot has happened since we last posted. Of course we were very busy traveling Texas over the holidays and had great visits with both of our families. But before the holidays I have to mention that Matt turned 40!!! We had good time on his birthday and just spent the evening with our boys. Matt got a playstation 2. I think I have played it more than him!!!

We also had a visit to Santa, Noah would not go near him, but Reilly didn't mind.

Reilly wasn't really impressed with what Santa left him.

Long awaited Buzz Lightyear......

and Woody! Thanks Nana and Papa. Noah has played with Woody for many hours already.

We also are now pet owners. Grandmother got us a turtle , well I guess it was really for Noah, but I am having alot of fun with him too. Matt as you can imagine, has not quite warmed up to him yet, but he has lots of time to get used to him because I read that they can live 40 years.

So here's a pic of the newest member of our family...Introducing Frog the turtle.

All the traveling wore Reilly out. He was happy to get home. He's now two months old and getting to be a little rolly polly. More pics on that later.

Thanks everyone for their gifts for us and the boys, we all got way too much, but we had a great time with everyone.