Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Noah Funnies

Since I have posted alot about Reilly , here are some fun things Noah has been up to.In March Noah, Reilly and I took our first road trip with out Daddy. Actually it went very smooth, no major crying episodes. It was nice. We went to see my Mom graduate from pastry school. At the school they served great food and here Noah just grabbed a huge piece of bread and started gnawing away.
On that same trip Noah also had his first Starbucks (my mom and I love Starbucks and stop often when we are together). Noah requested some coffee as my sister and I were getting out of the car to go order. They have stuff for kids (who knew) so we ordered a kids cocoa and he called it his chocolate and cream. He really enjoyed it. I told him they only sell it in Austin. Shhh, that will be our secret. Also you may notice the head phones. My mom has a DVD player in her car so he was listening to his movie with his wireless headphones. Remember the days of 'I spy."

'Workin Man', Here's Noah helping us tear down an old building that was in our back yard, cleaning up old shingles.

Noah has also recently has started to love Legos because of the Star Wars 2 lego game that he plays with Matt. So we finally got a small real set today and he made this apple tree. I was pretty impressed.

Okay Traci, there's an update!!! I'll update some things about Reilly later.

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